Theme: Tender Twenties
Edition Size: 21 (20 participants, plus 1 set for Exhibitions)
Image size: artist’s choice
Paper size: 15” x 22”
Medium: Any hand or press pulled printmaking process. NO DIGITAL PRINTS OR GICLEES.
Other:Must be in your tender twenties (20-29 years of age)…
Ship prints to:
Laura Williams
1973 117th Ave
Dresser, WI 54009
Delivery information: Enclose all 21 prints, a self-addressed mailing label, and sufficient return postage. If you do not know the exact amount of return postage, please send more than you think will be required.
Please deliver your prints in a package that can easily be reused for shipping the collated prints back to you.
Coordinators: Angee Lennard & Laura Mariposa
Contacts: Laura Mariposa (lauramariposawilliams @ gmail.com )
Angee Lennard (angee @ spudnikpress.com or 773-715-1473)
To Register: E-mail lauramariposawilliams @ gmail.com with your name, address, phone number, & website or blog. Registration closes when wait list is full.
1. Lenora Ditzler
2. Georgeanne Louise Krampien
3. Angee Lennard
4. Laura Mariposa
5. Brianne Farley
6. Sarazen Haile
7. Caroline Carlsmith
8. Alicia Corman
9. Julia Vodrey Hendrickson
10. Kinsey Brady
11. Andy Schmidt
12. Megan Klawitter
13. Scott Campana
14. Rachel Pollak
15. Ryan O’Hean
16. Jessica Taylor
17. Julie Boehmer
18. Sarah Pargulski
19. Chelsea Ann Goodwin
20. Brianna Edwards
1. Andrew Stuart Blair