I’m Bianca, the new intern here at Spudnik Press this summer. There’s always tons going on here any day of the week and it’s been a blast so far! Here are some pictures to make you jealous and want to come have fun with us!
Spudnik Summer Drink & Draw: Surrealist Games
The theme of this month’s Drink & Draw was surrealist games. Everyone had a lot of fun collaborating and letting loose. No experience required!

The beautiful finished work. Not shown here is the terrible drawing my mom and I did. Bring you mom! She’ll love it.
The Adventure School for Ladies
An awesome experimental graduate program for lady comic artists from around the country. It was a fun and hectic time while they visited and learned to screen print.

Spudnik’s 5th Birthday!
We’re all so happy to have Spudnik around, we had to celebrate the baby Spud’s 5th birthday! Screen printing the tail on the donkey, whacking a potato piñata and having delicious cake were just some of the highlights.
That’s all for now. Check out the website for all the summer fun classes and events coming up!