At Spudnik, Pablo has long been known for his ability to work small. His etchings, some as small as a few inches across, delicately depict fantasy landscape scenes from a birds eye view, often overlaid with expressive marks as emotional as those of Jim Dine. His new work, while continuing his interest in detail and poignant mark-making, takes a new direction with a monumental change of scale. Two new prints will be on display, both shifting the view-point from a removed spectator to an active participant with his life-size characters. During the artist presentation, Pablo will talk about how his experience at Ox-bow have informed the direction his work is taking. He is also excited to share how he has adapted to large format printing in regards to materials, tools, and developing an image.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Spudnik Press
1821 W Hubbard, Suite 308
Chicago, IL 60622
Event is free.
Pictured above: Detail of “At the Opening”, Pablo Philipps, 2011