Drink and Draw
Drawing the Figure with PBR
Wednesday, Jan. 5
PBR provided (or BYOB)
Suggested Donation: $5
@ Spudnik Press
1821 W Hubbard, Suite 308
Chicago, IL 60622
Our Monthly Drink & Draw! Wed., Jan. 5, 7:00 at Spudnik Press… Drink and Draw is our monthly night devoted to drawing practices. There’s no teacher and no pretensions. We provide a theme for the evening and some booze. Attendees provide a sketchbook and drawing utensils. Please come, and bring your friends while you’re at it.
January we’ll have a live model (clothed) & props to get back to drawing the figure for our first D&D of 2011. There’ll be some PBR to go around, but feel free to BYO & pls. count on bringing a $ donation to help out!