Thank you for dropping by and supporting our Studio Sale last September 6th!
Guests got great deals on screens, Spudnik merch, prints, zines, and more. They were also able to create a letterpress print of their own guided by Teaching Artist Wes Kendall. We have a few screens that are still available for sale and if you are interested, please email us at for the price list and inquiries.

Purchases during our Studio Sale will help Spudnik’s operational expenses and fund some of the new merch that staff is planning to launch soon! We hope you had an amazing time participating at our letterpress demonstration and getting great deals on prints, merch, screens, and more.😊 Until next time!

Programs at Spudnik Press are partially supported by grants from the Illinois Arts Council Agency, the Driehaus Foundation, and the Gaylord & Dorothy Donnelley Foundation.
This project is partially supported by a Chicago Arts Recovery Program grant from the City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs & Special Events.