Drink & Draw [VIRTUAL]: Call for Artists

We’re seeking proposals for our Drink & Draw [VIRTUAL] series on Wednesday nights from 7:00 – 9:00 CST.

If you are interested in being a Drink & Draw Guest Artists, please email anders@spudnikpress.org and share:

  • Your idea for a fun and casual art-making activity that people can do from home using materials they’re likely to have on hand.
  • If you have prior teaching experience.

Events have included survivalist bookmaking, optical illusions, hand-drawn typefaces, DIY protest art, and much more. Check out our past events for inspiration, or come join an upcoming Drink & Draw to get inspired!

Spudnik Press provides technical support, event promotion, co-hosting during the event, a chance for you to do an Instagram Takeover. We also have a Virtual Tip Jar, and give the first $40 of tips to the Guest Artist as a token of our gratitude.

We’re so excited to see what you come up with!