Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Featured Drink: Red Wine
@Spudnik Press
1821 W Hubbard, Suite 308
Chicago, IL 60622

Last week we experienced the first Drink and Draw at Spudnik. It was a huge success with over 20 people in attendance. The phrase “It feels so great to draw again.” was overheard many times, and we decided to continue the series, which will meet the first Wednesday of every month (save for holidays), and feature a different beverage. We will also rotate the emphasis of the evening’s drawing session, highlighting themes such as gestural drawing, cartoons and comics, self-portraiture, and life drawing. There’s no teacher, and there’s no pretension.
January’s Drink and Draw will focus on Red Wine and contour drawing. We will provide some pencils, charcoal, and a still life, and (this time around), a variety of Red Wines. You bring a sketchbook and enjoy drawing in the company of others.
$5 suggested donation.