Spudnik Press and Peasants’ Plot Summer 2013 CSA
This summer Spudnik Press will take on its second year as a pick-up location for Peasants’ Plot CSA, an organic vegetable farm located about 50 miles south of Chicago in Kankakee County.
The Plot is carried out by Todd and Julia McDonald, about 5 employees and 15 worker shareholders. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture and it is a way for people to know where their produce is coming from and how it is grown. Participating in a CSA farm means investing in seed and labor prior to the growing season. Your investment pays off in the form of regular deliveries of fresh vegetables straight from the farm.
Delivery of four to seven different types of freshly-harvested organic vegetables.
Pick up at Spudnik Press!
Every Thursday from 3 – 9 pm for twenty weeksbeginning the first or second week of June.
$340 for the basic Individual Share. Pay in full or use our monthly installment plan. Pay buttons for both options are on the website.
The CSA model is rewarding because the consumer can establish a relationship with their farmer through farm visits, emails, exchanging recipes and more. It is a relationship-based approach to the business of growing, selling and distributing food.
Buying locally-produced food reduces the chain of people and energy consumption between farmer and consumer. Want to know how your food is grown? Visit the farm and see. Worried about pesticides and disease? Talk with Todd and Julia. Is all the buzz about GMOs FREAKING YOU OUT? You can address all of these concerns with the farmer directly.
It is an easy way to assure a good amount of vitamins, nutrients and anti-oxidants get into your diet. Freshly-picked vegetables have more nutrient content than foods that travel great distances to sit in grocery stores. And they taste better.
For information about Peasants’ Plot and how you can join, visit their website.