Cesar Chavez Lower Grade Center 4747 S. Marshfield Ave. 60609
Tuesday, May 14th 5:30-7:00pm
Chavez Community WOW!
This spring, Spudnik Press partnered with Citizen Schools to pair five Spudnik artists with three classrooms to lead art apprenticeships with middle school students throughout the spring. You are invited to the Citizen Schools Spring Community WOW! At this event, the middle school students will show off what they have learned in the past 10 weeks of their apprenticeship.
Guests will get to learn new yoga moves, play student made video games, pick a side in a political campaign, participate in an improv sketch, see student artwork, and much much more! We need your to help make this WOW! memorable for our students, educators, and volunteers.
Please join us: RSVP and Learn More