With the end of the year rushing up at us, Spudnik would like to take some time to sit with our community and reflect on everything that makes us who we are. Starting November 30, we invite you to come help us in Unwrapping Spudnik. We have five weeks with five themes that will focus on different elements of our community, artistic life, and what makes Spudnik such a dish. We’re also asking you to help us raise $5,000. That’s just $1,000 a week, and will help us keep the studio stocked, supplied, and affordable.
Every week from now to the end of the year we’re going to unwrap another gift. Everyone who donates $25 to us that week will be entered into a drawing to win that gift. If you want to make sure you’re entered in all five drawings, just donate $100 at any time during the campaign and you’ll be entered in all the remaining drawings. However much you give, make sure you leave your mailing address; we’re sending something special to everyone.
Here’s a sneak preview of the treasures we’re sharing with you.

You probably know we have a risography printer, but have you been formally introduced? Do you wonder what it’s like to be a piece of retro-modern equipment that’s equal parts charming for its simplicity and full of moving parts ready to wear out? Check out the equipment week announcement to learn more about what it takes to keep our beloved riso printer running and some of the very cool projects that it has helped make during its time with us. Also, take this opportunity to share a tool, space, or piece of equipment you love and use in your artmaking.
Help us maintain our equipment. Give today!

Our members are the core of our Cooperative here at Spudnik Press, so our second unwrapping week is going to focus on them. Meet some of the fabulous and remarkable people who’ve joined Spudnik, the amazing work they’ve done, and revisit what it means to be a non-profit, community-driven print studio. Do you have a favorite Spudnik memory that you’d like to share? Pass it along by email or social media and you can be part of the Unwrapping.
Give the gift of creativity, gift a Spudnik membership!

The studio is more than the walls and the presses; Spudnik is its people, too. At that intersection is Spudnik’s staff, the intrepid team of folks who keep Spudnik running. For staff week you’ll get to know some of the staff, hear about their art, their pets, and their favorite part of Spudnik. You should be prepared to share back, especially if you have cute photos of your pets!
Become a sustaining donor.

Twenty-five dollars to enter a drawing is just $5 a day, which is basically the price of a nice coffee. But we all know one cannot simply deprive the artistic muse of caffeine tithes. Instead of pitching the virtues of chemical withdrawal, we’re spending a week focusing on coffee, and more importantly, what different members of the Spudnik community do to focus and find inspiration even when the flow isn’t coming easily. Do you have something you’d like to share for this week? Share ahead of time and we’ll include you in Coffee Week! Tea drinkers are strongly encouraged to join in and start the theobromine-addicts of Spudnik club.
A sip is good. Investing in the Chicago creative community is great.

Twice a year Spudnik brings in a cohort of fellows who get access to the studio, professional development, and peer support to further them in their artistic practice and support their emerging careers. This is one of many ways we support our community and foster an expansive love of print. Fellowship week will give you a closer look at this program, a chance to meet some of our fellows, and an exciting window on the real world impact of your spudly support. Speaking of support, do you still have your first print? We want to see it! Don’t have a first print to share? Show us any piece of art you have and love.
Help us continue our Fellowship Program. Donate now.
For sharing each week, you can interact with us on social media, or email jessica@spudnikpress.org. Also, keep your eye on your inbox and on our social media to see the prizes each week unwraps (hint: week one has art!) and get updates on our progress.