Listen to Spudnik printer Sanya Glisic as she discusses screenprinting, illustration, and her world travels on the YouMeThemEverybody podcast.

Listen to Spudnik printer Sanya Glisic as she discusses screenprinting, illustration, and her world travels on the YouMeThemEverybody podcast.
Saturday December 19, 2009
8 pm
Spudnik Press
1821 W Hubbard
Suite 308
Chicago, IL 60622
House Press is a poetry-centered group of artists and writers which began to form in Buffalo, NY in 2001. Its mission remains simple: to self-publish their own work and other work they variously believe in. Over the last year or so, House Press and Spudnik Press have collaborated to create covers for House publications and host poetry readings. Past readings have featured talented poets from the midwest, the east coast, and even Canada. Tonight will celebrate the release of new work by four talented artists from our very own Second City.
Featured Artists:
Luke Daly, reading from VATS
Michael Slosek, reading from The Sequel
Eric Unger, reading from Bastion
Barrett Gordon, reading from Bodyhome
I would like to extend a sincere THANKS to everyone that came out to celebrate with us. I couldn’t imagine having a better time. The food was delicious. The band was amazing. The company was top notch. Everyone who came chose a free print to take home. And to top it all off, the night ended in a dance party…
Let’s do that every year….
Wednesday December 2, 2009
Drinks provided (or BYOB)
Suggested Donation: $5
@ Spudnik Press
1821 W Hubbard, Suite 308
Chicago, IL 60622
Drink N Draw is our monthly night devoted to drawing practices. There’s no teacher and no pretensions. We provide a theme for the evening and a little booze. Attendees provide a sketchbook and drawing utensils. Please come, and bring your friends while your at it- a theme beverage is provided (or you can BYOB) Suggested Donation: $5.
December’s Drink N Draw theme is “Technical Drawing”. There will be mechanical bits & pieces, gears & whatnots to draw from. It’s the last Drink & Draw of ’09 & there will be a spiked wintery beverage to chase away the chill- so bring some materials & we’ll bring the fun!
1218 W Morse
7pm: The Battle
Open Jam to follow
Spudnik Press designed and printed this poster for the 2nd Annual Battle of the Jug Bands. Bands include the Northside Southpaws, Hump Night Thumpers, and Deep Fried Pickle Project. It promises to be a good time.
It’s been a long time since I posted something other than in invite to a Spudnik event or a new print made at the shop. But today I came across a video that I can’t help but share. It comes from Women’s Studio Workshop in Rosendale, NY. A fellow printer and friend of Spudnik, Jessica Vaughn, was a resident artist at Women’s Studio Workshop last year, and cued me in to the great work they are doing. A more recent resident artist Abigail Uhteg put together this stop motion animation document how she created her most recent artist book. It is entertaining, and if you aren’t an experienced etcher and book binder, educational to boot!
Prints by Adam Paul, Alex Lee, Angee Lennard, Benjamin Funke, Brie Cella, Colin Palombi, Dominic Senibaldi, Elisa Sandoval, Heather Buechler, Jason Hawk, Jennifer Hines, Juan Garcia, Karin Patzke, Kim Heiney, Liz Born, Mike Reynolds, Mischa Kegan, Rachel De Urioste, & Sanya Glisic
November 6, 2009 – December 19, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009, 6 – 10 pm
Can’t think of the word “eat” without an “m?” Or are you a militant vegan? Fall somewhere in between? Ever feel like a piece of meat? Everyone has an opinion about meat: the good, the bad, the bloody, the cooked, and the overlooked.
“NOTICE – CLOSED, and A Unique Marquee, two of the few remaining old-time gallery installations in the Chicago area, will come to a timely close on Saturday, October 17th. Gallery owners and artists involved have decided to commemorate this event with a closing reception to be held on Friday October 16th.
The encroachment of a scheduled closing date of the two concurrent shows has finally led to the finale to a historical era, according to a news release from Spudnik Press.”
Newcity writes “His output, fittingly, is on paper. Lundquist is a printmaker, itself a technology on the brink of extinction and with a thick history, from mass commercial applications to avant-garde experimentation. Artistically, Lundquist sits right between these two poles, culling material from pamphlets and signs and turning them into subtle etchings that kiss the paper they’re printed on. Handwritten notes, tourist pamphlets, temporary signs and a map of Meigs Field pre-destruction are Lundquist’s fodder. The dust of memorabilia and the hand sweat of craft combine in his new print series.”
Friday, Oct 16, 2009, 6 – 9 pm
Heaven Gallery
1550 N Milwaukee
2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60622
Wednesday Oct. 7, 2009
7:00-9:30pm, 2009
Beer provided (or BYOB)
Suggested Donation: $5
@ Spudnik Press
1821 W Hubbard, Suite 308
Chicago, IL 60622
Drink and Draw is our monthly night devoted to drawing practices. There’s no teacher and no pretensions. We provide a theme for the evening and plenty of PBR. Attendees provide a sketchbook and drawing utensils. Please come, and bring your friends while you’re at it.
October’s Drink N Draw theme is “We Attack the Portrait”. We’ll suggest some exercises in portrait drawing- attendees will be modeling for each other, so bring your game face, some drawing materials and some friends!
Dan Falco will be working on a series of prints investigating the physical and psychological changes that occur in humans and animals due to the modification of our environment. With increasing advancement in science and technology, we begin to loose track of what is natural and what is not. Dan looks to address issues of hybridization, mutation, and modification, popular culture.
Falco received his MFA in Printmaking from Northern Illinois University in 2006, and has since been teaching art at the Illinois Institute of Art in Schaumburg. He has most recently had solo shows at Art and Design Gallery, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Lee E Dulgar Gallery in South Holland, Illinois, and Morton College, Cicero.
Would you like to be an Artist in Residence? Download the application!
Spudnik Press’ Residency Program provides the resources, equipment, and space for one artist per season to develop a body of print-based work. We hope to encourage and enable the production of high quality prints, and to contribute to the development of an emerging Chicago artist.
Spudnik Press will provide the Artist in Residence with materials for his or her project, unlimited access to the shop, and general feedback and assistance from Spudnik Press’ studio monitors and assistants. At the conclusion of the residency, Spudnik Press will host a reception displaying the work created during the 3 month period.
Over 300 crafters and artisan will be showing off their wares. We will be in good company with other Chicago printers (Sonnenzimmer, Mat Daly, Dan Grzeca, Crosshair Press, The Bird Machine, Plural Design, Megan Lee Designs, members of the Post Family, and more) as well as other talented artists from Chicago and beyond (Cursive Design, Tug Boat Press, Up In The Air Somewhere, and Pearl and Marmalade), just to name a few friends in the show…
We’ll have work by Sanya Glisic, Liz Born, Mischa Kegan, Adam Paul, Karin Patzke, Nate Smith, Megan Klawitter,, Brie Cella, Stacey Colangelo, Samantha Cisneros, and Michelle Mashon – just to name a few.
Hope to see you there.
Wednesday Sept. 2, 2009
Some Drink Provided (or BYOB)
Suggested Donation: $5
@ Spudnik Press
1821 W Hubbard, Suite 308
Chicago, IL 60622
Drink and Draw is our monthly night devoted to drawing practices. There’s no teacher and no pretensions. We provide a theme for the evening and some drink. Attendees provide a sketchbook and drawing utensils. Please come, and bring your friends while your at it.
September’s Drink N Draw theme is “Drawing Inspired By Food”. There will be some food to draw, but participants are invited to bring still life items or resource material related to food. Your interpretation of the theme can be studied or silly- the evening is inspired by the “Futurist Cookbook”, a cookbook full of non-recipes. So bring some materials & we’ll bring the fun.