Laura Pearson, of TimeOut Chicago, visited Expo 72 and reviewed the current exhibition, Pulled Pressed Printed, celebrating Chicago printmakers and printshops. Check it out here and be sure to go by and take a look for yourself!
Posts Categorized: News
Summer 2012 Artist in Residence
Interested in being the next Artist in Residence at Spudnik Press? The application deadline for our Summer residency is March 30, 2012. Click here for more information and to download the application!
Adventure School: Comics Intensive
Adventure School: Comics Intensive
Organized by Anne Elizabeth Moore

Held at Read/Write Library & Spudnik Press
June 4 to June 15, 2012
Top and emerging ladylike drawers will spend two full weeks, from 10 to 6 p.m. every day, creating and publishing a collaborative comics anthology based on research of gender, race, and economics in the comics industry.
Spudnik Press couldn’t be more excited to support such a unique format for collaboration and learning. Students will work with each other, visiting artists, and cultural producers to create a new publication that will be printed here at Spudnik Press!
Application forms (and a lot more information) are available here, now!
Community Workshop: Quick & Easy Printing
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
6:30 – 9:00pm
1821 W. Hubbard, Suite 302
Printmaking can be steeped in arcane processes and cumbersome equipment which can be quite alluring, yet prohibitive. So we’ve decided to dedicate the night to printmaking that is easy, cheap, and satisfying. We’ll have multiple projects set up around the studio and students can move around to different projects as they like. We’ll talk about how these processes can be used for professional projects as well as in a classroom full of energetic young people.
We would like to extend a special invitation to CPS teachers. We are currently evaluating and developing our program for youth in the city, and would like your opinion on what we can do to support and augment what happens in school. We would like to connect with teachers interested in field trips, in-school workshops, and partnering to provide after-school opportunities for their students.
Community workshops are an opportunity to get to meet the artists at Spudnik Press, preview what an upcoming class might be like, be exposed to new processes, and simply learn techniques and tips from professional artists to incorporate into your projects, what ever they may be. Workshops are hands-on, all ages (students under 16 should be accompanied by an adult), and for all experience levels.
The class fee is $10, or pay what you can. Fees are waived for students who are unable to afford this charge to ensure that the Chicago community has access to artistic projects, regardless of income. Registration is required to ensure we have the right amount of materials on hand.
Please e-mail to have us save a seat!
Another Awesome Project Completed at Spudnik!
A few weeks ago, Stephen Pearlman and Mark Townes came to Spudnik. We provided a few hours of screenprinting lessons, and they whipped up an edition of 10 prints as part of Tonight The Angels Box Set, a very well put together collection of singles that Haberdashery released through out 2011. Nice documentation too!
Contributory: An MAPC Member Exhibition
Spudnik Press Cooperative is excited to host its first juried exhibition for MAPC members. Through hosting this exhibition, we strive to introduce Chicago printers, students, and artists utilizing Spudnik Press to national artists creating exceptional work in the field of printmedia.
A contribution furnishes something towards a result. “Contributory” is a juried show dissecting the parts that create the whole, the chain of events that leads to a result, good works that build communities, and the symbiotic nature of a contribution. “Contributory” reflects on what and how people, the natural world, and technology proffer with intention and purposefulness, or despite themselves.
Print-based artwork only. No digital prints. All accepted artworks must be framed. Maximum framed size is 3’x4′.
Entries and fees must be received by February 6, 2012
Julia Vodrey Hendrickson is a visual artist, writer, print-enthusiast, and curator. She recently released a poetry/artist book called Grow No Moss, printed at Spudnik Press. Primarily based in Chicago where she is the gallery manager at Corbett vs. Dempsey, she is currently pursuing an M.A. in Art History at the Courtauld Institute of Art in London.
February 6, 2012 – Entries and fees due (not a postmark date)
February 24, 2012 – artist notification of acceptance via email
March 23, 2012 – work must arrive at Spudnik Press for inclusion in exhibit
April 6, 2012 – Exhibit opens at Spudnik Press Cooperative
May 11, 2012 – Exhibition closes
May 18, 2012 – Artwork returned to artists
Download the Contributory Prospectus
*Additional MAPC Membership options are also available through
Oso Bay North American Printmaking Exhibition Call for Entries
The Department of Art and University Galleries at Texas A&M University Corpus Christi are pleased to announce the inaugural Oso Bay North American Printmaking Exhibition, a competitive juried competition held in conjunction with the 2012 Oso Bay Biennial.
With Bill Fick and Tom Huck as the jurors, this promises to be a great show!
Oso Bay Full Prospectus PDF:
For Print Only: features work printed by Spudnik Press

Spudnik Consignment Printing
featured on FPO
This fall, Faust hired us to print a run of postcards advertising their new website. The blog For Print Only (that every printmaker interested in design should check out). Read full post about the Faust postcards!
Didn’t know we printed consignment jobs? We do! And all of the income stays at the studio to keep Open Studio affordable, our keyholder program available, and our community workshops donation based! We offer discounts to non-profits organizations as well as independent artists (restrictions do apply).
New 2012 Membership Options
Click here to see our membership options and purchase!
Submit Your 2012 Residency Application!

Spudnik Press’ Residency Program provides the resources, equipment, and space for one artist per season to develop a body of print-based work. We hope to encourage and enable the production of high quality prints, and to contribute to the development of an emerging Chicago artist.
Spudnik Press will provide the Residents a $250 allowance for project-specific materials and unlimited general supplies (full list is available on our website) and access to the studio. At the conclusion of the residency, Spudnik Press organizes an exhibition of the work created during the 3 month period. This program is open to all experienced printmakers. Spudnik Press does not have the ability to assist with travel and housing, and encourages only Chicago residents to apply. One Residency position is awarded per season.
We aim to provide a residency that is catered to the individual artist. Proposals may be for a traditional edition of prints, artist books, or projects involving a less conventional use of prints. Artists that wish to work collaboratively may apply together.
For more information and the application, click here.
Community Workshop: Image Transfers

Wednesday, November 2 from 6:30 – 9:00pm | Price: $10, if able
at Spudnik Press
1821 W. Hubbard, Suite 302
Learn easy and unique ways to transfer your digital images onto various papers, fabrics and create acrylic based pieces. In this workshop we will use a variety of solvents and acrylic mediums to reproduce your images.
Materials: Please bring a variety of images printed from a laser printer or Xerox machine (Ink jet prints do not work for this method). Also, bring a variety of fabrics and papers to transfer onto. Note: print all images as a mirror image of what you’d like to see. Flip horizontally in Photoshop, etc. Solvents and matte medium will be provided.
Email to save a spot!
About the Instructor:
Laura Elayne Miller is an interdisciplinary artist and filmmaker based in Chicago and Paris. Her work has been exhibited in NY, LA, Chicago, and Europe. Most recently, her mixed media installation An Unquiet Mind: The Untold Story of Isabelle Cadiuex was at the Center for Book and Paper Arts in downtown Chicago. Laura has worked as an arts educator at 3rd Ward and the Stephen Gaynor School in NYC, and lectured at Trinity College in Hartford, CT.
Member Highlight: Fraser Taylor’s exhibition “Structural Intimacies”

Fraser Taylor
Structural Intimacies
Robert F. DeCaprio Art Gallery
Moraine Valley College
Palos Hills,IL 60465-2478
Oct. 17-Nov. 10
Reception: Thursday, Oct. 20, 2-4 p.m.
This new series of monotypes printed in 2011 at the Spudnik Press in Chicago continues Taylor’s exploration into how the mono-tonalities of black can capture elusive emotions, tensions and shifts in weight, depth and consequence.
The artist’s combination of tonal surfaces with sinuous white line evokes the murky densities and intimacies of the body, the depths of psychic territories, the debris of human endeavor.