Posts Categorized: News

Update: The Gig Poster Project

We just reached the halfway point of our in-school workshops for The Gig Poster Project. Teaching Artists Johnny Sampson and Phil Parcellano have been working with students at Perspective’s Math and Science Academy and Chicago Talent Development High School. They will soon head to Little Village to work at Farragut Career Academy.

Classroom teacher, Ms. Farr says “Thank you all for creating a wonderful opportunity for our scholars to express themselves. I cannot say enough how awesome Phil and Johnny were to our students. Of course, now that it is over, students are asking when they will be back.”

Call for Entries: Growth


Juried Exhibition at Spudnik Press Cooperative

Hosted by Spudnik Press Cooperative’s Exhibition Committee

Spudnik Press Cooperative is growing into an expanded print shop and facility, and is excited to host its first juried exhibition in its new annex space. This open call, “Growth,” will bring new and old audiences together to celebrate exceptional work in the field of printmedia.

Growth is: changing in size, number, significance, maturing, a new stage of development, moving from something simpler to something more complex. “Growth” is a juried show exploring the idea of metamorphosis in all its forms as interpreted by print artists.

Any 2D printmaking-based medium is eligible. Mixed-media works are acceptable if the print-based portion is 50% or more of the artwork. No digital prints. All accepted artworks must be framed. Maximum framed size is 3’x4′.

Entry is free to this exhibit. Not all work submitted will be shown. Artists are invited to submit 3 entries.
If accepted to exhibit, artists are responsible for delivering the artwork in person to Spudnik Press, or paying for original and return shipping in a sturdy reusable container.
Entries must be received by December 20, 2012


December 20, 2012 – Entries and fees due (not a postmark date)
January 20, 2012 – artist notification of acceptance via email
February 20, 2013 – work must arrive at Spudnik Press for inclusion in exhibit
March 1, 2013 – Exhibit opens at Spudnik Press Cooperative
March 29, 2012 – Exhibition closes
April 10, 2012 – Artwork returned to artists


All selected artwork must be framed.
Selected artists are responsible for dropping off artwork in person, or shipping artwork to and from Spudnik Press.
Spudnik Press will take all reasonable precautions to hand work carefully.
All entries must be sent electronically to with the subject “growth Exhibition Entry”
Each entry must include one word document with the following information:
1. Artist’s name
2. Mailing Address
3. E-mail Address
4. Telephone Number

For each artwork, list:
1. Entry Number (i.e., 1, 2, or 3)
2. Title of Work
3. Medium
4. Dimensions
5. Year Completed
6. 2-3 sentence statement addressing the artwork in relation to the theme “growth”
Each entry must also include up to 3 digital jpeg images (300 dpi, 1000 pixels, longest side) attached in an e-mail. The name of each file should correspond to the image list: lastname_firstname_entrynumber.jpg
Late or incomplete entries, or entries that do not follow this format, will not be considered.

All work will be shipped to:

Spudnik Press Cooperative
c/o growth Exhibition
1821 W Hubbard, Suite 302
Chicago, IL 60622

Embarc Chicago

As an occasional guest at Spudnik Press and an all-around great thing, EMBARC Chicago, a non-profit organization, is one that you should know about! EMBARC takes students from their neighborhood to various educational and cultural places throughout the city, state and Midwest region, including The Printshop at Spudnik Press! On Thursday, we will host a group of students for a t-shirt screenprinting workshop and couldn’t be more excited to have them.

EMBARC (Empowering Minds, Building Achievement and Reconnecting Communities) aims to “empower students with knowledge and positive models so that they will demand success of themselves and be able to lead and mentor others.”

Stay tuned for a follow-up post with photos of the workshop!

Spudnik Printer Solo Exhibition: Renee Robbin

Amusements: New Work by Renee Robbins
Solo exhibit: November 2-30, 2012
opening reception: November 2, 2012 7-10 p.m.

AdventureLand Works on Paper Gallery
1513 N Western, Chicago, IL 60622
Gallery Hours: Wednesday- Saturday 1-4 p.m.

You may know Renee Robbin from the studio, as she is a frequent printer at Spudnik Press. If you can’t make it to the opening reception, she will be painting at the AdventureLand gallery on the Saturdays during the exhibition. You can come see her painting on November 3rd, 10th, and the 24th from 1-4 p.m.

Image: Fortune and Fable, acrylic, ink, and gouache on paper, 15″ x 22″

Spudnik Press Press!

We have been quite busy here at Spudnik…
With our recent expansion and build-out plus fall classes in full-swing, we want to take a moment to highlight some of our Spudnik printers that have been in the news.

Polly Yates was featured in Chicago Weekly Online after showing her recent work from the Spring Artist Residency program at Spudnik Press. “Trialogues” opened at Plaines Project on October 5, 2012. wrote a piece about Spudnik Press and Brandy Barker, a featured artist with Chicago Artists Month, leading up to the Hubbard Street Lofts Open House event on Friday, 10/12.

The Annex: In Progress (VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!)

Before and Now! The Annex is undergoing a transformation and we could use your help!
Volunteers needed Tuesday night, Wednesday & Thursday this week!

In just 5 short days, The Annex at Spudnik Press has undergone a transformation, and is still a work in progress. Once an open space with no walls, The Annex is now home to 3 private studios (available for rent!), and a beautiful gallery space and classroom!

We are hosting a Priming / Painting / Polyurethane / Cleaning Parties Two (2!) nights in a row!!!
This Wednesday (10/10) 6:00 – 10:30 pm
This Thursday (10/11) 6:00 – 10:30 pm

RSVP to if you can, or just show up! We’ll put you to work.

Private Studios available at Spudnik Press Cooperative

Private Studios available at Spudnik Press Cooperative

Artist work spaces are available in both The Annex & The Printshop

All spaces available November 1, 2012

This Fall, Spudnik Press Cooperative is expanding to create a multi-purpose cultural space. The Spudnik Press Annex will contain a gallery and classroom, and shared work space for writers, bookmakers, artists, students, and others. A reference library of small press and experimental book projects is under development. The private studios will be housed within these community studios, with full access to all the onsite resources.

In the Annex: $250/month

  • Three 100 square foot private studios
  • Housed within a 600 square foot shared workspace, classroom, and gallery; including self-publishing resources, photocopier, and library
  • Fully equipped community printshop one door away (24/7 access available for additional $100/month)
  • In the Printshop: $325/month

  • 100 square foot private studio
  • Housed within a 2,400 square foot shared workspace and community printshop
  • Printmaking ink and general print supplies included (See website for details)
  • onsite self-publishing resources, photocopier, and library one door away (24/7 access available for additional $65/month)
  • Both spaces:

  • A/C, heat, wireless internet and utilities included
  • 24/7 Access; Secure building
  • Hardwood Floors; Great light; High ceilings
  • Keyed entry to shared studio
  • Private studios have 8′ walls and a locking door
  • Parking Lot available
  • 6-month leases with the option to renew or do month-to-month
  • Opportunity to participate in building-wide art events
  • Contact Angee Lennard for more information (, 312-563-0302).

    Fall Cleaning Day


    Fall Cleaning Day
    October 21, 12-6pm
    Soda and snacks free for volunteers!

    It’s time to purge and mop! With 526 Open studio visits and 40+ classes, workshops, and field trips in just 2012 alone, we’ve accumulated more than a few forgotten prints, as well as dust bunnies and ink stains. If you are a member and haven’t volunteered this year, maybe this is the time to come show your Spudnik colors.
    Pssst… If you know you left something behind, now is the time to come claim it!!


    In Progress Sponsor: Megan Lee Designs

    Megan Owdon-Weitz, of Megan Lee Designs, is offering up one of her quirky, screenprinted t-shirts for Spudnik’s “In Progress” Benefit Auction. Bid on the chance to choose from an array of well-made, hand-printed tees…choosing your size and favorite design! Check out Megan’s store for a sneak peak of what’s offered!