Screenprinting Apprenticeship Program
Combining professional printing experience with entrepreneurial guidance
This nine-month position combines professional experience working with clients through our Publishing Program with entrepreneurial guidance. Artists apply with a substantial project they would like to get off the ground. Over the course of the year, the apprentice will work with an advisor to develop their project, which could be along the line of establishing their own business, developing a line of products, coordinating a collaborative project, or simply developing their art practice.
Through weekly check-ins, Spudnik Press staff (Angee Lennard and Brandy Barker) will provide structure and dedicated time for the apprentice’s personal project. Staff will work with the apprentice to create and execute a project plan, including but not limited to developing a mission and a brand, creating a budget, launching a website, or developing a cohesive portfolio.
Enriching the experiences, apprentices are hired to work at Spudnik six hours per week (two three-hour shifts). While working for Spudnik Press, apprentices will assist with in-house and commissioned publishing projects. Over the course of the year, apprentices will gain experience with every aspect of publishing, honing professional screenprinting skills while learning the administrative skills required to support the printing projects.
Spudnik Press Apprentices are hired employees of Spudnik Press compensated at $8.50/hour. Additionally, Apprentices receive complimentary keyholder access to the shop, valued at $120/month.
This apprenticeship was developed to expand the educational value of our publishing program through providing mentorship opportunities for emerging Chicago artists. For more information about Spudnik Press Cooperative, please visit
Applicants must have:
Basic screen printing experience
A personal project they are committed to developing over the following nine months
The ability to work independently
Strong communication skills
To Apply:
Submit a cover letter, resume, and work samples to
Work samples may be sent as a website or 3-5 .jpeg images.
Cover letter should include:
o An overview of the personal project you plan to develop throughout the year
o Goals you would like to achieve throughout the apprenticeship
Review of applications will begin on Feb. 8, 2013. The 2013 Apprenticeship Program will tentatively run from March 1 – November 30, 2013. Please contact with questions.
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