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Become A Keyholder!


Spudnik Press seeks Keyholders
24-Hour Access for as little as $100/month

Keyholder access allows up to a dozen artists to have round the clock access to our sweet printmaking facilities. Keyholders are able to work at Spudnik Press almost round the clock! The studio is closed to keyholders during our peak class times (Tuesdays 6:30-9pm and Saturday 10-12:30pm) and the occasional weekday field trip. Otherwise, artists have free reign to utilize the whole studio, including general supplies.


Available to current members only.
Must be authorized to use the studio with no monitor.
We encourage using 3+ open studio sessions prior to becoming a keyholder
E-mail or call with specific questions!


The Printshop: $120 per calendar month; $300 for 3 consecutive months.
The Annex: $85 per calendar month; $200 for 3 consecutive months.
Printshop + Annex: $185 per calendar month; $450 for 3 consecutive months.

For questions and scheduling please email

Community Workshop: Mail Art

Mail art has always fostered a sense of inclusion, experimentation, collaboration, communication between artists – as well as lots of jokes and silliness. In this workshop we will explore a brief history of mail art through making. Taking inspiration from artists such as Ray Johnson, Robert Filliou, Ben Porter, and Anna Banana we will make some mail-able art to be dropped in the mail box at the end of the day. Paper, a photocopier, rubber stamps, collage materials, drawing supplies, etc. will be available for use. This workshop is great for any makers looking for a fun new way to make work, connect with other artists, and disseminate their work through the postal system.

The Teaching Artist, Bailey Romaine, is a print based artist whose work pulls strongly from language, text, and collage practices. She earned her BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2011, with a focus in printmedia and early modern literature and art history. Since then she has been learning to run an offset press, and working on a number of small press publications and related collaborations. She is the founder and co-editor of Scaffold, a journal for visual and text based works..

Student material list: None.
Prerequisites: None.
Authorizations: This workshop provides general Orientation to Spudnik Press.

Meets Thursday, 06/06/2013 from 6:30 – 9:00pm with Bailey Romaine | $10 suggested donation

Open Studio Cancellation: June 21


Sorry, We’re Closed! But only for one day 🙂
Spudnik Press is excited to be hosting a private workshop, led by the talented artists behind Sonnenzimmer, Nick Butcher and Nadine Nakanishi. Unfortunately, this workshop requires us to close the shop for one afternoon.

There will be no Orientation or Open Studio on Friday June 21. We encourage you to plan ahead and visit us instead on Thursday, June 20 @ 6:30pm or Saturday, June 22 @ 12:30pm.

Welcome Artist in Residence – Summer 2013

AIR Work

Spudnik Press’ Residency Program provides the resources, equipment, and space for one artist per season to develop a body of print-based work. We hope to encourage and enable the production of high quality prints, and to contribute to the development of an emerging Chicago artist.

Welcome Veronica Siehl!
Veronica Siehl’s print and drawing work employs repetitive mark making; she creates texture, furry bits and visual noise. She intentionally addresses the surface – marking, cloaking or interfering – so that the viewer might question what lies just beneath. At the heart of her work lies a curiosity with the idea of identity and a fascination with all the “stuff” that individuals are made up and out of; by what it means to be.

Veronica investigates and works with shadow – as subject, medium and metaphor. Shadows defy time in their ability to simultaneously be present and absent. According to Jungian psychology, the shadow is our subconscious; it is what we have hidden. In addition to acknowledging this archetype, Veronica views the shadow as a reminder of the many faces individuals wear openly. Through explorations with shadow, mark making, time and space she explores places which are un-mappable, feelings that are unnameable, and instances that might otherwise be forgotten.

In working with letterpress and cyanotype processes paired with poetry at Spudnik, Veronica aims to pay homage to the emotions that transcend our daily lives and take on a life of their own. Through employing shadow and repetition (in writing & process) she will explore themes of potential and loss, nature & nurture and the evolution/progression of the individual.

Call for fall entries by June 21, 2013
Download the application for complete details.

Publishing Projects at Spudnik Press!

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Custom Binders for Mr. Carpet

published at Spudnik Press

Custom-Designed screenprinted binders for Mr. Carpet
Medium: Screenprint on Hand-crafted Binders
Dimensions: Varied

You’ve known that Spudnik Press is your friendly community printshop where you can go to take classes, learn new techniques, and print independently; but did you know that Spudnik Press has been taking on custom publishing projects for over 4 years now?

Spudnik Press can bring to life that custom printmaking project that you’ve always wished you had the time/materials/skills to make. For years, the Publishing Program has been producing tons of posters, t-shirts, cd sleeves, tote bags, and limited edition art prints from a large diversity of clients, in a variety of processes. We work with companies, designers, individual artists, musicians, theaters, etc., in order to make your unique project a reality.

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Our most common media for consignment printing is screenprinting, but Spudnik Press’s expansive publishing program frequently encompasses letterpress printmaking and offset productions as well. Our shop is also equipped to produce custom relief printing projects, book-binding, and more! If you have an idea, we have a press.

For more information on our Publishing Program, please contact Ashlee or Angee at

Down & Dirty Radio Spot

Radio Spot

The Down and Dirty radio show with Frank Fontana focuses on Do-It-Yourself design for your home. Expert, regular guy celebrity designer Frank Fontana will share secrets to making your place look like a million bucks in smart, affordable ways! Join Frank live as he answers questions and makes you part of the show, interviews celebrity guests, and shares hot DIY design secrets you won’t hear anywhere else. Tune in to the Craftsman World of DIY network right here on Livestream every Wednesday at 11am Central Time to join in on the conversation. Join in the conversation by dialing 855-DIY-WORLD… or email

In case you missed it, here’s the radio spot featuring Angee Lennard and Spudnik Press Cooperative.
Click here to listen to the radio spot.

Click here for the YouTube Video.

ART ATTACK! Sculpture Show


ART ATTACK! Sculpture Show
Thursday, May 9th: 5-7pm
Uri-Eichen Gallery
2101 S Halsted St, Chicago

This spring, Spudnik Press partnered with Citizen Schools to pair five Spudnik artists with three classrooms to lead art apprenticeships with middle school students through out the spring.

ART ATTACK! Is a Citizen Schools after school apprenticeship at Walsh Elementary. Every week, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students meet with teaching artist Liz Born to develop a language of visual identity using formal elements like color, shape, and texture. Transforming everyday materials, each student has created an emblematic sculpture in an investigation of the Artist’s decision-making process.

Citizen Schools partners with middle schools to expand the learning day for children in low-income communities across the country. By drawing thousands more citizens into schools each year, they’re promoting achievement, transforming schools, and re-imagining education in America.

CSA Farm Update!


Your vegetables are progressing nicely. We are looking at mid June as our first pick-up but will email one more time towards the end of May to give you the actual start date.

The farm staff is moving quickly this week since it has been “the only consecutively nice days since September” according to Todd and, according to the weather channel, bound to rain again.

All farmers in this region have had to delay their plantings due to cold, wet and just plain wet soil.  We did get spinach seeded before the rain, which has germinated. Kale, chard and broccoli have been/are being transplanted this week until the rain returns.

We do a few things to make sure the crops transplant well. One thing we do is blast them with fans while they grow indoors, to condition them to the world outside. We have put a thin covering of fabric (“row cover”) over the transplants this week to protect against any surprise frosts and to hopefully discourage bunnies. Lots of transplants await indoors and they will be ready when the soil is! Todd is continuing his work on the high tunnels, digging holes for concrete to anchor them. Oh, the saga of the high tunnels!

Check out most recent photos here.
Reserve your share of the harvest before we sell out!

Citizen Schools Spring Community WOW!


Cesar Chavez Lower Grade Center 4747 S. Marshfield Ave. 60609
Tuesday, May 14th 5:30-7:00pm

Chavez Community WOW!

This spring, Spudnik Press partnered with Citizen Schools to pair five Spudnik artists with three classrooms to lead art apprenticeships with middle school students throughout the spring. You are invited to the Citizen Schools Spring Community WOW! At this event, the middle school students will show off what they have learned in the past 10 weeks of their apprenticeship.

Guests will get to learn new yoga moves, play student made video games, pick a side in a political campaign, participate in an improv sketch, see student artwork, and much much more! We need your to help make this WOW! memorable for our students, educators, and volunteers.

Please join us: RSVP and Learn More

Spring Cleaned

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Thank you to all who made it out to help for Spudnik’s Spring Cleaning Day! What a difference it made to our studio. This past Sunday, an eager group of volunteers split off into cleaning, organizing, and painting frenzies to transform Spudnik into a tidy print shop once again.

We are especially excited about the light blue washout room and white table top in the print shop. Not to mention the new curtain installed in the dark room, clean scoop coaters, desk, ink station, sinks, and more! Be sure to drop by the studio for printing and to see all of the changes. Happy printing in our newly cleaned studio!


CSA Returns To Spudnik Press


Spudnik Press and Peasants’ Plot Summer 2013 CSA

This summer Spudnik Press will take on its second year as a pick-up location for Peasants’ Plot CSA, an organic vegetable farm located about 50 miles south of Chicago in Kankakee County.

The Plot is carried out by Todd and Julia McDonald, about 5 employees and 15 worker shareholders. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture and it is a way for people to know where their produce is coming from and how it is grown. Participating in a CSA farm means investing in seed and labor prior to the growing season. Your investment pays off in the form of regular deliveries of fresh vegetables straight from the farm.

Delivery of four to seven different types of freshly-harvested organic vegetables.

Pick up at Spudnik Press!

Every Thursday from 3 – 9 pm for twenty weeksbeginning the first or second week of June.

$340 for the basic Individual Share. Pay in full or use our monthly installment plan. Pay buttons for both options are on the website.

The CSA model is rewarding because the consumer can establish a relationship with their farmer through farm visits, emails, exchanging recipes and more. It is a relationship-based approach to the business of growing, selling and distributing food.

Buying locally-produced food reduces the chain of people and energy consumption between farmer and consumer. Want to know how your food is grown? Visit the farm and see. Worried about pesticides and disease? Talk with Todd and Julia. Is all the buzz about GMOs FREAKING YOU OUT? You can address all of these concerns with the farmer directly.

It is an easy way to assure a good amount of vitamins, nutrients and anti-oxidants get into your diet. Freshly-picked vegetables have more nutrient content than foods that travel great distances to sit in grocery stores. And they taste better.

For information about Peasants’ Plot and how you can join, visit their website.