Covid-19 Policies

(Starting April 1, 2023) Masks are recommended for all studio users.

We expect all visitors to be compassionate, kind, and understanding of the needs of others in the space. If a studio-user or studio monitor asks you to distance yourself while unmasking, we expect you to do so without comment or hesitation. The studio has face masks available in the space.

All visitors are encouraged to:

    • Provide proof of vaccination before entering the studio.
    • If requested, wear a well-fitting face covering that covers their nose and mouth at all times
    • Frequently wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizer. 
    • Disinfect all surfaces you come in contact with at the end of each reservation or class. EPA-approved disinfectant is readily available.
    • Self-report to staff if they are diagnosed with COVID-19 in the 72-hours following their visit to allow Spudnik Press to take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of others.
  1. Staff, monitors and instructors reserve the right to remove anyone from the studio for failing to comply with safety requirements. Tuition or other studio fees will not be refunded in the event of dismissal for failing to follow safety rules.
  2. All visitors age 18+ are required to attest to these protocols by signing a COVID-19 Policy Acknowledgement.

STAY HOME if any of the following situations apply:

  1. You have not maintained CDC health and safety guidelines 
  2. You have been in close contact (within 6 feet for 15+ minutes) with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or is suspected to have COVID-19 within the last 7 days.
  3. You have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and have not yet met all the following criteria:
    • It’s been at least 14 days since your exposure
    • COVID-19 symptoms are gone
    • You have not had a fever in the last 24 hours
    • You have received a negative PCR test

Additional Details

Capacity & Reservation Limits:

As of September 1, 2022, Spudnik has removed capacity limits for equipment and reservations within our studio.

  • Everyone using communal space must be enrolled in a class or have reservations. Public events do not require a reservation.
  • Private studio renters may work within their own studio at their own discretion, but must follow all our policies when in shared spaces.
  • The guillotines, typesetting/paper cutting area, and computer station are shared spaces that cannot be reserved.
  • Public events have resumed. Events will only be held if/when we feel we can safely gather in groups. Public events will require RSVP and will be closely monitored.

Cleaning & Disinfecting:

  • We are relying on visitors to disinfect their work area for the next person. 
  • Hand sanitizer is available in each area of the studio.
  • 6 air purifiers are stationed throughout the studio.
  • When possible, doors and windows will be opened to increase ventilation.

Reservation Details:

  • Be mindful of moving through the studio beyond the area you have reserved.
  • We are temporarily waiving cancellation fees for people who, in accordance with our public policies, are required to stay home: For those whom any of the following apply:
    • have Covid-related symptoms
    • have been in contact with someone confirmed or suspected to have Covid
    • or who contracted Covid and does not yet meet our requirements to return to the studio.
  • If you need to cancel for Covid-related reasons, please reach out prior to your reservation and provide as much notice as possible.

Contact us with any questions regarding covid precautions within our studio by emailing