Where do I begin?! When I joined Spudnik as Staff two years ago it was with much excitement. I could see that this space was full of energy, ideas and tons of community. Just how much I couldn’t possibly realize until I was thrown in full throttle….and what a ride it’s been!
The amount of growth I’ve witnessed and contributed to has been astounding—from the creation of our Fellowship program, adjustments to our Printing Apprenticeship, to the small behind-the-scenes shifts in how we approach many administrative tasks—it blows me away.
As I leave Spudnik as Staff, it is bittersweet, but also with much excitement. I take great pride in the ways I’ve helped shape Spudnik over the past two years, and I know that this truly amazing place only has more positive change in store. I can’t wait to see it, and be a part of this growth in other capacities.
I’ve learned so much from this position and from all of you who make Spudnik what it is. I’m looking forward to seeing friendly and familiar faces at the shop as I continue to teach and print at Spudnik. So…I’d rather not say goodbye, but rather “Cheers!” Here’s to a new chapter.
Veronica Siehl