Drink and Draw
Theme: Technical Drawing
Wednesday December 2, 2009
Drinks provided (or BYOB)
Suggested Donation: $5
@ Spudnik Press
1821 W Hubbard, Suite 308
Chicago, IL 60622
Drink N Draw is our monthly night devoted to drawing practices. There’s no teacher and no pretensions. We provide a theme for the evening and a little booze. Attendees provide a sketchbook and drawing utensils. Please come, and bring your friends while your at it- a theme beverage is provided (or you can BYOB) Suggested Donation: $5.
December’s Drink N Draw theme is “Technical Drawing”. There will be mechanical bits & pieces, gears & whatnots to draw from. It’s the last Drink & Draw of ’09 & there will be a spiked wintery beverage to chase away the chill- so bring some materials & we’ll bring the fun!