“NOTICE – CLOSED, and A Unique Marquee, two of the few remaining old-time gallery installations in the Chicago area, will come to a timely close on Saturday, October 17th. Gallery owners and artists involved have decided to commemorate this event with a closing reception to be held on Friday October 16th.
The encroachment of a scheduled closing date of the two concurrent shows has finally led to the finale to a historical era, according to a news release from Spudnik Press.”
Newcity writes “His output, fittingly, is on paper. Lundquist is a printmaker, itself a technology on the brink of extinction and with a thick history, from mass commercial applications to avant-garde experimentation. Artistically, Lundquist sits right between these two poles, culling material from pamphlets and signs and turning them into subtle etchings that kiss the paper they’re printed on. Handwritten notes, tourist pamphlets, temporary signs and a map of Meigs Field pre-destruction are Lundquist’s fodder. The dust of memorabilia and the hand sweat of craft combine in his new print series.”
Closing Reception:
Friday, Oct 16, 2009, 6 – 9 pm
Heaven Gallery
1550 N Milwaukee
2nd Floor
Chicago, IL 60622