Drink and Draw
Theme: Drawing Inspired By Food
Wednesday Sept. 2, 2009
Some Drink Provided (or BYOB)
Suggested Donation: $5
@ Spudnik Press
1821 W Hubbard, Suite 308
Chicago, IL 60622
Drink and Draw is our monthly night devoted to drawing practices. There’s no teacher and no pretensions. We provide a theme for the evening and some drink. Attendees provide a sketchbook and drawing utensils. Please come, and bring your friends while your at it.
September’s Drink N Draw theme is “Drawing Inspired By Food”. There will be some food to draw, but participants are invited to bring still life items or resource material related to food. Your interpretation of the theme can be studied or silly- the evening is inspired by the “Futurist Cookbook”, a cookbook full of non-recipes. So bring some materials & we’ll bring the fun.