We made it! Can we reach $3000 by 12/31/15?

We reached the summit! You got us to the mountaintop—our full matching gift of $1,500—and then some. With your generosity, Spudnik Press already raised $2,265 (51% over our goal)!

This financial support makes our programs possible. During an uncertain time for arts funding and shrinking state and city resources, the Spudnik presses keep moving forward with the hard work and support of our community.

If you haven’t given yet but would like to, there is still time to make a tax deductible gift for 2015. If we reach $3,000 in donations, Spudnik can begin the new year by repairing ALL of our Open Studio screens! Give before midnight on 12/31/15.

Many thanks to each of you who has already contributed to Spudnik Press Cooperative—your time, your talents, and your financial contributions.