2015 Hashbrown Chili Cook-Off Chef Profile: Homeroom

Today we introduce our second organization that will moonlight as chef at The Hashbrown Chili Cook-Off: Homeroom Chicago. In full disclosure, Spudnik has long partnered with these folks to bring you Ten x Ten (which happens to kick-off this Sunday). What’s more, tomorrow (2/7/15) they present a fundraiser all their own, Pal-entine’s Day, a celebration of friends.

Spudnik Press Cooperative (SPC): What is HOMEROOM?

Homeroom (HR): Homeroom designs artistic projects and programs with two core values: conversation and collaboration. We build programming structures with artists, audiences, curators and venues to create and artistic dialogue with shared and far-reaching impact. Homeroom promotes artistic experimentation and growth by liberating artists from the financial and artistic constraints imposed by traditional institutional and commercial channels.

Homeroom designs artistic projects and programs with two core values: conversation and collaboration. We build programming structures with artists, audiences, curators and venues to create and artistic dialogue with shared and far-reaching impact. Homeroom promotes artistic experimentation and growth by liberating artists from the financial and artistic constraints imposed by traditional institutional and commercial channels.

SPC: What are three food-related adjectives you would use to describe your organization?

HR: Smorgasbord, Scrumptious, Delectable

SPC: In what ways does your chili embody your organization?

HR: Homeroom builds programs based on conversation and collaboration and isn’t that what chili is about? Getting multiple ingredients to work together in order to create something new and greater than the sum of the parts.

SPC: What is your favorite place in the city to enjoy a hot bowl of soup?

HR: The Hashbrown, of course!

SPC: If you could invite anyone, past or present, to chat over a bowl of chili, who would you choose?

HR: Homeroom would love to share a crock-pot of chili with George Clinton – we hear he is a gassy man, but we bet even his farts are funky.

SPC: Do you have words of warning for fellow contestants?

HR: If we had any real competitors in this competition, we’d give them a proper warning. But from the looks of it, these philistines couldn’t boil an egg.

SPC: This is your third year competing in the Hashbrown. What keeps you coming back?

HR: We are returning because we think Spudnik Press is the bee’s knees!