2015 Hashbrown Chili Cook-Off Chef Profile: Corner Farm

Today’s Chef Profile: Corner Farm, who placed second in the 2014 Hashbrown Chili Cook-Off. Will they be able to take home the Golden Laddle in 2015? Get your tickets to the 2015 Hashbrown Chili Cook-Off to help determine their fate!

Spudnik Press Cooperative (SPC): What is Corner Farm?

Corner Farm: We started Corner Farm Chicago as a community experiment – as a place to meet our neighbors and develop community as we work shoulder to shoulder.

Both of the farms provide a safe corners and spaces for our youth to learn and play. It’s a place where our community can learn where food comes from and how to save our money and improve our health by growing our own food. The farm is a place where the art can be experienced and practiced.

The Farms give us, as a community, a way to create and support a sustainable neighborhood, ecologically and sociologically. Corner Farm Chicago is a way to give back to a neighborhood that gives us all so much.

SPC: What are three food-related adjectives you would use to describe your organization?

Corner Farm: Fresh, Enriching, Nourishing.

SPC: In what ways does your chili embody your organization?

Corner Farm: Having many different things come together to create something bigger and better.

SPC: What is your favorite place in the city to enjoy a hot bowl of soup?

Corner Farm: It was the late and great Brown Sack

SPC: If you could invite anyone, past or present, to chat over a bowl of chili, who would you choose?

Corner Farm: Roald Dahl, one of my all time favorite authors. He always had interesting ways of incorporating food into his stories. It could be a leg of lamb as a murder weapon (Lamb to the Slaughter) or using laced raisins to poach pheasants (Danny, Champion of the World). He always seemed to write in a way that showed he may have a deep connection with food.

SPC: Do you have words of warning for fellow contestants?

Corner Farm: We came last year with no expectations and got second place. This year we are going for the golden ladle!

SPC: This is your second year competing in the Hashbrown. What keeps you coming back?

Corner Farm: The Party! You guys really know how to throw down.